Thursday, October 9, 2008

has the US time come ??

I read an article in TOI today about the US and its habit of overspending. According to the article,

 "with 5 per cent of the world’s population, the US consumes 24 per cent of the world’s energy; an average American consumes as much energy as 13 Chinese, or 31 Indians, or 128 Bangladeshis, or 370 Ethiopians. 

    America’s total calorie intake is 815 billion calories a day, which nutritionists say is some 200 billion in excess of requirement, sufficient to feed 80 million people. Moreover, each day, Americans throw away 2,00,000 tons of edible food. If developing countries wanted to live like this, four new Earth-sized planets would have to be created to provide the necessary resources."

 ( source:

The US has dug the grave for themselves. Considered itself the superpower and was under the illusion that it will remain so forever. The loans given by the US banks which led to the subprime collapse are making economies all over the world feel the heat. The supepower , who has come up at the time of war of Iraq as the saviour of world, has the guts to take the responsibility of the crisis ??? 

An Indian - American, Neel Kashkari, has been appointed as the person responsible to spend th $700 bn. bailout in the market. India should make correct moves at the time so and sustain the heat of this crisis ...and if it is able to do so ..then no doubt it will be the next superpower.

has the US time come ??SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


  1. yeah sir...u're gawd!!
    treadin' our way to b entitled as d nxt superpower!
    d future beckons us!!

  2. this is true
    may be this drag US to slavery
    and who will stand up and take world fwd
