Friday, October 17, 2008

About Hinduism

Hi..this time i would like to share something on theology. Recently watched a movie called "ZEITGIEST". According to the movie, Religion - christianity in particular - is nothing but a big blunder, a fictious feeling, an excuse - well created and carried forward - by the church to give a sacred name to their hieneous acts and unethical deeds. According to the movie, Jesus Christ is a fictious character and Bible has been lifted straight away from the ancient Egyptian scripts. Similarly for the other religions as well. Well, i would not comment on how much the movie claimed was correct or truth because im niether the right person nor i think i have sufficient knowledge to comment on the same and hence have no right to do it.Also, i respect Jesus and therefore my conscience doesnt allow me to do so.( Yes, I go to church every christmas) . But , directly or indirectly this movie increased the stature of Hindy mythology in my heart. He - the director of the movie - could compare and disregard any religion or faith in the world but Hinduism. He could not contradict or defy the sanctity of Hinduism and I think no one can ever do that because there are no flaws in Hinduism and its ethos. For example the Ram Sethu which has its mention in the RAMAYANA has been discoverd by the NASA sattelites. Similarly, the ruins of the holy city of DWARKA ruled by Lord KRISHNA and made by VISHWAKARMA has been found by the oceanographers ( have i used the right word ?) . The holy city MATHURA still has the jail where Lord KRISHNA is said to have taken birth. Hinduism, I think is differen from all other religions because it starts from the beginning of the universe ( whereas in literatures from other religion.. the moment THE BIG BANG is simply described as the work of The GOD) which is said to be created by LORD SHIVA and the literature contains or disusses everything till eternity. This is the greatness of Hinduism. It scientifically explains every natural phenomena. We have literatures on everything right from philosophy to medicine to lifestyle to education to sex to yoga and what not. Max Mueller once said “If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply 
pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.”   He, no doubt, refers to the spiritual knowlege given by Hinduism and its scriptures. People say there are many social taboos in hinduism for eg. sati pratha , i would like to mention that these worsds and pracrises has been wrongly highlited or adapted or understood by the people( no doubt it includes our ancestors from India as well.). To understand the true and literary concept behind the sati pratha , i would like you to read the article at this URL :
Some people held hindu sciptures responsinble for promoting odd feelings about it . For eg. the stanza from Ramayan goes as:

‘Dhol Gawanr Shudra Pashu Nari, Sakal Tadan ke Adhikari’

This stanza has an entirely different meaning as thought by the people. kindly refer to the above url to know the literary meaning.

Great is the religion and great is the country where this religion came into existense. Once again, I would like to mention that by this article I does not mean to offend or hurt people having faith in other religions. I respect their religion as well as their right to follow faith of thier own choice . i wrote this article just to show the greatness I found in Hinduism. 

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