Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Martin Luther King Jr. 's Dream
While delivering the greatest speech of the 20th century, " I have a dream ", Martin Luther King Jr. would have never thought that his dream will get fulfilled so early. Who would have thought a little back in 1970s that a negro can enter the White House as a president.The same White House house which was built a by the blacks but slaves. No one thought that a African-American, Obama( Barack Hussain Obama) can swear in as a president from the capitol hill. The same country which didn't allow black to vote till 70s or were supposed to leave a seat for a white person in buses and other public transport will chose a negro as their President only after 30 years or so. The world is surprised by the change American people have brought in themselves. Obama has recieved a throne of thorns from Bush Jr. and the world is looking at him for another miracle. He a charismatic speaker. Americans have sent him to the DC believing on his slogan "Change we need" he gave in his presidential campaign. Now not only Americans but the whole world is looking at him for the change. He has to toil right from Day1 in the Oval Office be it global meltdown, the wars at Iraq and Afganistan, the environmental frontor the Israel-Arab conflict. Now being proven that he is a very good orator, he gotta prove that he is a very good leader as well, because as the father of the modern management, Peter Ferdinand Drucker said "Effecrive leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results and not attributes." Obama has himself raised the bar of expectation of the people by comparing himself again and again with Abrahim Lincoln.Now is the time for him to act, to show his real mettle. Lets hope he can paint the picture he made with the right colors. Ahmen!!!
Martin Luther King Jr. 's Dream
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